The students were doing a comprehensive review of the term's work. 学生正在进行全学期功课的综合复习。
For a more comprehensive review of the AOP approach, consult the resources provided in the "References" section at the end of this article. 为了更加完整的回顾AOP方法,请您参考本文最后“引用”一节中所提供的资源。
This failure of strategy and tactics was a long time coming, and it should lead to a comprehensive review of the US approach to global economics. 这是一场早有预兆的战略和战术上的失败,它应该引来一场有关美国对全球经济采取什么姿态的全面检讨。
The new paper, the most comprehensive review of relevant research to date, comes to a different conclusion. 新发表的这篇论文对相关研究进行了迄今为止最全面的回顾,并得出了一个截然不同的结论。
Comprehensive review and appraisal systems 全面审查和评估制度
In this connection, the panel examined the need for a comprehensive review of the civil service pay policy and system as well as issues to be addressed in the review. 就此,事务委员会探讨有否需要全面检讨公务员薪酬政策和制度,以及该项检讨需处理的事项。
A comprehensive review is made of the art of research in flight vehicle structural health monitoring ( FVSHM) system. 阐述了飞行器结构健康监控(FVSHM)系统的基本原理和国内外研究进展;
A comprehensive review of all evidence on the safety of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines was conducted and presented. 会议期间完成并介绍了有关肺炎球菌结合疫苗安全性所有证据的综合性评述。
And some of these restrictions may be outdated, so we're going to be doing a comprehensive review. 这样看起来一些限制条款可能是过时了,因此我们正准备要做全面的审核。
I thank Dr Nordstrom for this comprehensive review of recent activities. 我感谢努德斯特伦博士对近期活动的全面回顾。
A comprehensive review of the theories and practices of emergency management capability assessment 国内外应急管理能力评价的理论与实践综述
Comprehensive review of the whole question of peace-keeping operations in all their aspects; 整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查;
Methods: to collect the related literatures and to make a comprehensive review. 方法:通过查阅和光盘检索有关资料,进行综合评述。
And increase the efficiency of housing production through a comprehensive review of the existing organisation and working procedures. 全面检讨与房屋发展有关部门的组织架构和工作程序,提高工作效率。
They've done a comprehensive review of my spending habits. 他们全面审查了我的花钱习惯。
A comprehensive review is given to his theory defining technology as a process as well as the theory of technological innovation, and three important revelations are thus given. 从技术过程论的研究脉络出发,对远德玉教授的技术过程论和技术创新思想进行了较为全面的回顾和评述,并得出了三个重要的启示。
Each grammar point is supplemented by grammar exercises, and each chapter includes a set of comprehensive review activities. 每一个语法点都配有练习,每章还有综合练习。
A comprehensive review on the radar target signature of aircraft and space vehicle, essentially from the view point of ECM and radar remote sensing, has been delivered. 本文着重从电子对抗和雷达遥感角度综合评论了航空和航天目标的雷达特征问题。
This article is a comprehensive review of the recent10th annual meeting of Japan Society of Pragmatics ( JSP). 日本语用论学会第十届年会暨十周年纪念国际研讨会近日落下帷幕。
The EC has completed its comprehensive review of the education system and submitted its recommendations to the Government. 教统会业已全面检讨香港的教育制度,并向政府提交建议。
Comprehensive Review Committee on School Social Work 学校社会工作全面检讨委员会
A comprehensive review is given to the developments during the last ten years in research on mechanism of drag reduction of dilute polymer solutions in the paper. 本文对十几年来高分子稀溶液减阻机理的研究情况从实验与理论两方面进行了综述,并着重分析了溶液中大分子的动力形态及拉伸粘度等问题。
A comprehensive review was given on the developing progress of herbicides novel varieties of the world in recent 20 years. some new characteristics on the development of herbicide industry were introduced. 摘要综述了近20年来世界除草剂新品种的开发进展,并介绍了除草剂工业发展的一些新特点。
A comprehensive review of the Education Ordinance and the Education Regulations was conducted in 2000. 政府在二零零零年全面检讨《教育条例》及《教育规例》。
Based on the comprehensive review of the assets, liabilities, profits and losses, priority was given to problems related to the quality of credit assets. 在全面审计资产、负债和损益的基础上,重点突出对信贷资产质量方面问题的审计。
A comprehensive review on the application of magnetization in wastewater treatment has been given in this paper. 对近年来磁化学技术在水处理中的应用做了比较全面的综述。
The statement aims to improve patient care by providing physicians with a comprehensive review of the techniques in AF. 这个声明的的目的是为医师综合性回顾房颤治疗的技术,以便于改善病人的治疗。
Comprehensive Review of Industrial Safety Lie down and I'll give you a thorough examination. 工业安全的全面检讨躺下,我给你做全身检查。
In1993, WHO undertook a comprehensive review of these growth references. 1993年,世卫组织对这些生长参考进行了全面的审查,得出的结论是,这些参考在生物和技术方面均有缺陷。